St Ives Close
Wawne Road
Sutton upon Hull
Telephone: 01482 826457
Medical Emergencies dial 999
Out of Hours: dial 111
Some services are not available on the NHS.
We offer a range of medical examinations for individuals or organisations. Whenever possible, flexible booking arrangements may be made. Please do not book a medical examination or attend the surgery if you have symptoms of Covid-19.
Please see price list. Telephone the surgery for further information and advice on charges.
Firearms certificate medical information We require payment in advance. On receipt of your form and request, we will raise an invoice requesting payment by BACS or cheque. Once this has been received, Your GP will complete the form. | £TBA |
Insurance Form (BUPA, PPP etc) | £TBA |
Medical: Local Authority (HGV*, PSV, diving, gliding) 30 mins. | £TBA + optician for HGV (see below) |
Medical: Private employer/self employed 15 minute medicals 30 minute medicals (HGV, PSV,gliding) | TBA TBA |
Miscellaneous letters "to whom" etc minimun charge, thereafter £3 per minute | TBA |
Private Medical Certificate (eg sick certificate) | TBA |
Private Prescription | TBA |
Road Traffic Accident (First examination after accident -insurance reclaimable fee) Written report(Charged pro-rata) | Road Traffic Accident: TBA Written report:TBA |
Other Requests for examinations outside of those listed will be assessed by the practice and the charge advised to the patient before booking, | Variable |
* HGV Sight Test Please book an appointment with an optician to complete this section of the form before booking a GP appointment for the rest of the assessment. | Variable |