Information for Carers | Sutton Manor Surgery

Sutton Manor Surgery

St Ives Close
Wawne Road
Sutton upon Hull
Telephone: 01482 826457

Medical Emergencies dial 999

Out of Hours:  dial  111

Venn Primary Care Network

Your Practices Working Together

Information & Support

A carer is someone who looks after a friend, partner or relative and provides them with emotional support or practical help. The links below connect to local and national organisations dedicated to helping carers.                                                 


Rethink Mental Illness
Hull and East Yorkshire Carers Service

Our mission is to deliver a better life for people severely affected by mental illness by meeting not just their mental health needs, but also by supporting their physical health needs, their place within theor community and their right for control over their lives.

We offer services that keep people safe and well inthe community, prevent theor needs from escalating, support independent living and empower people to know theior rights and to access the support and care that they are entitled to.

>> rethink mental illness WEBSITE
Logo Mind Andover

Providing Support 

Contact adult social services at your local council and ask for a carer's assessment.
If you're a parent or carer of a child, contact the children with disabilities department.
You can call or do it online.

>> get a carer's assessment
Logo Mind Andover

Benefits for carers 

You might not think of yourself as a carer. But you probably are if you're looking after someone regularly, including your spouse or a family member, because they're ill or disabled.
As a carer, you may be entitled to one or more state benefits to help you with the costs.

>> Carer Benefits
Logo Mind Andover

Work & Disability

About half of working-age people with disabilities in the UK are employed. But this figure should be higher. With the right support, many more could join their ranks. If you have a disability, you may be worried it'll limit your job prospects or you will not be able to find work. But there's lots of guidance, support and training to help you into employment. Government-backed schemes can help, while awareness-raising initiatives are challenging the stereotypes about people with disabilities to make sure everyone has a fair chance of working.

>> work & disability